The Irreplaceability, Unduplicatability, Unphotocopyability and Unclonenability Nature of Life
The global experience of youth violence in our today’s world attests to the fact of global morality collapse due firstly, to mankind’s abandonment of God, eventuating in moral aridity/desertification and spiritual drought in human community – and not forgetting, the current strange global family arrangements with all of their unnaturalness!
Yet, it sometimes gives one the impression that young persons of today are living in a fictional or make belief world, having taken a good doze of film-watching “pills”, in addition to spending all their lives in the virtual world 24/7.
Apart from having easy access to guns, knives, machetes and other weapons of violence, other causes of global youth violence in our today’s world include:
1. Absence of God in the up bringing of the modern children, resulting in three causative factors – spiritual, spiritual and spiritual aridity/desertification (Proverbs 22:6).
2. Unnatural and unbiblical family arrangements of the modern world
3. Bad company
4. Broken homes
5. Drugs
6. Anger of young persons at society
7. Pressures of life
8. Rapidity of our changing world
9. Uncertainties of life
10. Inability to process the avalanche of information available to young persons in the Virtual Age.
11. Over expectation
12. Under expectation
13. Exclusivity
14. General Inequality – fuelling urban and rural poverty
15. Youth unemployment
16. Some youth are just walking volcanoes
17. Puzzles of life
18. Unanswered questions (about life).
19. Restiveness
20. Inability to understand, decode and interpret life
21. Absence of father figures
22. Growing up without the Ten Commandments
23. Absence of mentors
24. Low self-worth/esteem
25. Uncontrollable bad temper
26. Absence of standards
27. Absence of national moral code for young persons
28. Zero morality
29. Young people growing up without responsibility
30. Young people growing up without self-respect.
*To be continued.
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