Part 1
The Irreplaceability, Unduplicatability, Unphotocopyability and Unclonenability Nature of Life

“Five mothers have relived the 'hardest' phone calls they each had to make after their sons were stabbed to death - in a bid to urge Londoners to speak up about knife crime.
They have shared their stories as part of a Hard Calls Save Lives campaign, which has been launched by the Met Police.
The Met say the campaign is particularly aimed at encouraging mothers, sisters or aunts, whose children, siblings, nephews or nieces may be on the fringes of knife crime to make a report if they know someone who carries a weapon or where one has been hidden.” London knife deaths: Mums tell of hardest calls after sons stabbed - BBC News. Accessed: 16/10/2022.

Globally, youth violence has become so wildly pervasive such that the whole menace of youth violence has become a global epidemic of sorts. Worldwide, some young people tend to view life from the ugly prism of disposability – something to be disposed of as quickly as possible if you disagree or are in disagreement with anyone.
In other words, once you disagree or have a disagreement with somebody no matter how little, enlist your hand to speak for you by way of violence through the blade of shame or by simply putting your hand on the trigger; you are annoyed with a friend/pal, your boyfriend or girlfriend; someone disappoints you in a very least way; someone snatches your girlfriend or boyfriend; you are envious of someone because of their natural endowments, giftings or they are generally sartorial dressers and first class fashionistas or seems to be making headway in life faster than you; something precious is stolen from you or accidentally damaged by a chum of yours; someone assaulted you; some other guys are delivering stuffs and earning more than you on daily or weekly basis; a friend has just told you they have bought themselves a pair of trainers or they have just told you about a studio flat they have rented or got a Council flat; some other persons are blessed with the gift of the garb more than you; you are outsmarted in a debate or just ordinary friend to friend disagreement; someone refuses your friendship or refuse your hand in marriage or you are rejected in an interview or for one thing or another or condemned or told off for behaving badly or just simply that you naturally suffer low self-worth or are a child in the hands of inferiority complex or are a victim of religious persecution or of racism, especially in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multifaith, multi-racial society, or just that you are annoyed with yourself because of diminished responsibility, tired of life; have criminal record which makes you unable to secure a job for yourself or unable to cope with life because of your fortune reversal and thinking of committing suicide; overwhelmed by life’s fast moving certainties or uncertainties, especially as the whole wide world is just moving out of its very dreadful experience with Covid-19 and all of its variants -  Omicron and Delta, together with monkey pox and other emerging diseases with many or a horde yet on their way to the human community; the Russian-Ukraine war which effect is being felt globally – shortage of gas, shortage of grains the world over.
Shortage of foods – essential commodities coupled with global economic downturn, eventuating in the current global inflation, high interest rate, raging across the world, the almost intractable cost of living, sparking restiveness all over the world with mountain of household utilities bills much higher than Everest, added to all these vexed issues of the modern life pattern - governmental policy inconsistence, resulting in worrisome level of U-turns – then respond with that self-same jungle-like bestiality and barbarity!
But no person should ever have to respond to the many vexed issues of life this way as this type of bestial and jungle-like reaction puts them in a class worse than that of beasts.
Don’t forget, no one human being out there can create a life, therefore, you cannot take life – only God can!
Therefore, you must henceforth write this on the tablet of your heart: THOU SHALT NOT KILL, Exodus 20:13.

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