Building big arms is a holy grail for Generation Smart.
“God honours Preparation.”
- The Rt. Rev. Sola Aworinde.
Rev. Sola Aworinde, formerly Senior Pastor, New Estate Baptist Church, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria was won’t to be telling his congregation about the seriousness of preparation in all of life’s ventures and he would constantly hammer it into the ears of the brethren thus: “God honours preparation.”
And that is the golden advice that the children of this generation to be known and referred to here as GENERATION SMART, both the Millennials and those of the Internet/social media/Age, also, to be otherwise known and referred to here as the Instant Generation.
They don’t want to labour for anything as was associated with the children of the previous generations.
It is either fast food or smart food; fast/smart mobile phones; fast/smart/designer e-scooters, bikes, bags and smart/fast/designer everything.
They depend on technology to think for and do everything for them, refusing deliberately to use their hands or brains for anything or exercise their muscles for anything, except it be going to the New Cathedral/Temple/Synagogue/Lodge of ‘worship’ popularly known as the gym to pump up their muscles, and using all sorts of tablets to facilitate that in order to look and walk like wrestlers – and you would think every member of the generation under reference is a wrestler, working towards you on the street of the nations because of the outward extension of their bloated arms, courtesy of this malady under examination; and they as giants or ogre looking for whom to pounce upon!
Their unseriousness and light-hearted approach to life are not just worrying, but very nauseating.
And apart from depending on the internet and AI for everything they need, they take no responsibility because they are expecting Mums and Dads to do everything for them, nor are they given responsibility or made to take one by either their parents at home or their teachers in schools.
So, don’t be surprised in the nearest possible future, they depend on the AI to make love to their girlfriends/boyfriends or their wives on their behalf.
And because they don’t use their muscles for anything other than for the purpose above to attract the opposite sex, a vanity which methinks is borne out of inferiority complex, they are growing up lazily, flabbily and as soft as a cocoyam leaf.
The high level of incorrigibility, insouciance, insubordination for constituted authority and total lack of respect, first, for themselves, and then for the other persons, particularly adults and the elderly are legendary.
They think they have an encyclopaedic information and knowledge about things and our world than all the previous generations of humanity put together from the days of Adam and Eve.
And their disdainful attitude for everything and everybody is such that they don’t want to be corrected or told to do anything and they are a law unto themselves.
As they don’t care about themselves, so also, do they not care for or about anybody or anything, not even for their education which they treat with utter nonchalance, disdain and gross irresponsibility nor their future as they only live in the instant fast/smart now, hence they turn up in classes whenever they want to, without respect for time or sometimes never turn up at all.
And whatever time they arrive in school, they expect their teachers to say “Well done” to them or simply dish out merits to them as rewards for their lateness.
They usually arrive in the class without the right uniform or the correct equipment.
And in the just concluded GCSE exams, some of them arrived in the exam halls with just themselves and nothing else – no writing materials nor pencil cases.
Similarly, those currently doing their Mock GCSE exams too, are turning up in exam halls as if they are crossing over to the other side of the street to meet their girl/boyfriends, and also, without writing materials, nor generally, pencil case!
So, considering this carefree attitude, nonchalance and general irresponsibility, you are to enter exam hall very ready and well prepared, including having correct equipment with you.
During the just concluded GCSE exams, a young man went into the exam hall just as if he was strolling across a local park without anything related to the said exam in anyway whatsoever – no pens, no pencil, no ruler, no Maths set nor a pencil case, but just the whole him!
His scribe/reader had to give his own pen to him, and when the time came for him to write, the scribe/reader had nothing with which to write.
My advice, therefore, to all young people, not only those writing their exams right now, but to all the young people of the world in every venture/enterprise of life or project is to embrace the Boys’ Scout motto: BE PREPARED as their lives’ philosophy.
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