The Platform for those to whom the Future Belongs


“Teach him if you can,

How to laugh when he is sad…

Teach him to scoff at cynics

and to beware too much sweetness…

Teach him to sell his brawn

and brain to the highest bidders

but never to put a price-tag

on his heart and soul.”

  • Abraham Lincoln’s letter to his son’s teacher (Stanza 6).

By the way, do you read newspapers, magazines – both print and online, and listen to the news either on radio or tv – or you generally can’t be bothered by the goings-on in and around you, and the globe other than texting?

If your answer is in the negative, I dare say, you have been investing in ignorance all these years! And now is the time for you to invest in these areas of your life, for as the sayings go: INFORMATION IS POWER, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

And if you do listen to the radio, watch television and read either the online news or news in print or hard copies, you would have noticed that globally, there’s hardly a country in the world today that is spared of one crisis or another, and some are actually at war, as ongoing between Russia and Ukraine – and all over Asia and Africa, there have been some countries that have been at war many years now – Syria, the Yemenis and the Houthis, the  Israelis and the Palestinians, Afghanistan all in the East;  a part of Nigeria, in Libya, Ethiopia and Tigray, Somalia, including the plight of the Hong Kongians, Uighur Muslims, Taiwan under China; the Myanmar’s Muslim (Rohingya, especially) population, Cameroon and the Southern part – Ambazonia, agitating for independence – all of which have sparked off global migration crisis and compounding the refugee crisis and overwhelming some nations the world over.

Consequently, in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, the peoples of the world seem to be in their SEASON OF KINDNESS, thus encouraging many now to willingly and enthusiastically enlist themselves in the GLOBAL BRIGADE OF KINDNESS (GBK), responding very kindly, compassionately, and in love to these global crises of international migration – its exodus, including refugees, asylum seekers coming from these war-torn countries, and most recently, Ukraine – others from Asia, Africa, entering the nations, most especially in Europe.

At a time of global emergencies, turbulences, uncertainties and seeming hopelessness in this our indeed, perilous times in the history of the modern world, by extension, all of humanity, it is not unlikely that your country has extended its hands of love and magnanimity to welcome these visitors, some of whom are in your schools, colleges, academies, unis right now.

Thus, in this piece, I intend to appeal to your characteristic kindness, compassion, human consideration/humaneness , tolerance/accommodation and love, to on behalf of your nation welcome these our friends from the nations with boundless enthusiasm, love and whole-heartedly, not as “victims”, but as our very dear friends, brothers and sisters from the nations, making them really, really do feel welcome here, bearing in mind NO CONDITION IS PERMANENT, and remembering that no one in this our fallen world is immune from the vicissitudes/misfortunes/untowardness of life, or change of circumstances thereof.

Befriend them on behalf of country, and never in word or in deed, make them remember where from they are coming with all their unpleasantness such as will make them sad or gloomy.

Finally, always do all to on behalf of the nation and all of us assure them that ALL WILL SOON BE OVER

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