A Playlet

Part One

Setting: West Wing of the Parliament Lobby.

Enter, 1st Loyal MP (otherwise known as loyalist): Good Morning, Honourable.

Enter, 1st Rebel MP: Good morning to you too, Honourable.

Loyalist: May the Force be with you.

Rebel: Even more to you.

Loyalist: It does look to me you have been standing here all long. Who ‘re you waiting for if you could tolerate my curiosity and inquisitiveness? And why are you standing here of all places, strategically positioning yourself as if you are out for one of those your usual mischiefs as a backbencher?

RMP: It is that Mr. Johnson who has been troubling the nation and all Commonwealth. He has desired me very earnestly to here wait for him as he ‘ll here course to the Prime Minister’s Question and would spend a minute or two for a tete-a-tete.

Loyalist: Mr. Johnson troubling the nation and all Commonwealth, and he did desire you earnestly very to here punctuate your restless legs which have never been on vacation ever since the departure of the Lady?

RMP: Ay. I assure you no evil intention is afoot against his person or his desire to cling on.

Loyalist: Then I should without further ado trust you are one of the few in the modern world who has been consistent in worshipping at the shrine of integrity. But if I must be honest with you, sir, Mr. Johnson indeed, meant you wait for him at the East Wing of the Lobby. You probably did not hear him clearly as to where he did desire you to for him wait, sir.

RMP: By Charlotte, I did. I have not lost my mind to here for him wait if he had not for the honour of him asked me to here wait for him.

Loyalist: Are you really, really sure? And sure really, really?

RMP: By George, he did actually request me as an honourable man, always true to his word being a man whose words are his bond to here wait for him.

Loyalist: I can bet you did not hear Mr. Johnson well.

RMP: I did

Loyalist: You did not.

RMP: I did!

Loyalist: I say you did not hear Mr. Johnson well sir, by Charles, the next king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

RMP: By this Queendom, entrusted to the noble Elizabeth Richard, Her Majesty the Queen, I heard him well.

Loyalist: I did not mean you did not hear him well as in hearing him well.

RMP: (Getting confused), sir, what then did you mean and mean to say?

Loyalist: I meant you couldn’t decode him nor were you able to read Mr. Johnson’s lips properly. Mr. Johnson meant you should wait for him at the East Wing of the Lobby, sir!

*To be continued.


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