Queen Elizabeth, mother of many nations
And once Queen of the world during the British empire.
As your birth into nobility was predestined,
So was your noble role in world affairs.
Ever since your coronation in 1953, Elizabeth,
You have in quiet dignity bestridden
World affairs like a colossus
With world leaders quaking
Before your awesome presence.
Though the British empire be dead and buried,
The world still stands still in awe of your power and majesty.
During your reign,
Many empires have come and gone;
Alliances made, sealed and broken;
Wars fought, some won and some lost;
Great men and women born and some dead;
Great events, pleasant and unpleasant have come and gone,
But like the Gibraltar rock,
You are marching on in your majestic splendour and dignified aura,
And ever luxuriant like the tree by the Thames,
With your name still reverberating
In every continent and ocean of the world.
Elizabeth, perfect role model and inspiration for the young and old,
Quintessence of womanhood in an Age lacking in virtues,
You who always hold out the olive branch for world peace;
Elizabeth, adored and revered by all in all realms and climes,
The peoples of the world uniting in spirit
And in aim, join Great Britain to salute Your Majesty
As you celebrate today,
And if life begins at forty,
Then it doubly begins at 80!
From the POETRY OF JOHN ODEY ADUMA, written on April 26, 2006 to honour Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on her 80th birthday.
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