Abraham didn’t cry,

He prayed.

Abraham didn’t grumble,

He trusted.

Abraham didn’t doubt,

He believed.

Abraham didn’t compare,

He looked unto God, the Author and Finisher of his faith.

Abraham didn’t seek another god,

He waited for the God that had promised him,

Because “Faithful is he that promised who also will do it!”

Abraham didn’t look at the bigness of his problem,

But the greatness of his God.

When God asked him to leave Haran for Canaan,

He didn’t say to God, “What a strange request,

 moving from the known to the unknown!”

He didn’t put forward before God the cumbersomeness

 Of moving his family and property to a new country,

He didn’t ask for a sign to be sure it was God speaking

 and not an evil genius.

Abraham didn’t rationalise for once,

Abraham didn’t question, he obeyed.

Abraham didn’t get frustrated,

He kept renewing his strength in God.

Abraham never got tired waiting,

He mounted up with wings like the eagle,

He ran and was never weary.

Abraham never sought help outside of the promise,

He endured till the end and remained faithful.

Abraham never listened to all the gossips about him

for not having a child at his age,

Nor did he listen to all that taunted him.

He remained focussed.

Abraham never, ever gave up

He kept on keeping on,

Abraham never lamented, he rejoiced.

Abraham never gave a place to Satan in the promise,

He shut his door against him.

Abraham didn’t seek alternative therapy,

He relied on the peace that came from above-

 the Balm of Gilead and the Rose of Sharon.

Abraham didn’t think about his age, but thought about his God;

Abraham never chided God, he praised.

Abraham never worried and fell prey to predatory anxiety,

But was still before the Lord.

He never asked where the oblation for sacrifice would come from

And when Isaac asked him, he simply said, “God will provide.”

Abraham didn’t reason for once what if he died what happened to the promise?

Abraham is God’s most faithful and most yours obedient servant.

Abraham didn’t waiver in faith, but was constant to the promise,

Hence his faith was counted to him as RIGHTEOUSNESS!

-          JOHN ODEY ADUMA.

***This poem was God ministering to me in my lowest moment and at my lowest point

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