Photo credit: The Nation.

The Nigerian spirit is the spirit that stirs up the best in Nigerians. It constitutes great visions and great dreams; dreaming big dreams and seeing to their realization; a giant will and a spirit of invincible determination; marvellous possibilities, resilience and boundless elasticity; bulldog tenacity of purpose; selflessness and loyalty to fatherland; the highest level of patriotism; giving God a prime place in the Nigerian mind and in national life; a strong abhorrence for religious bigotry and irreligiousness of religion; an enterprising and an inquiry mind; an excellent spirit; dedication and devotion to duty; a spirit so strong that it cannot be discouraged; the truth, without which a citizen is not free; fearlessness; confidence in self, the fatherland, humanity and posterity, yet very humble; a sense of nationalism rather than ethnicity; absence of avarice and thievery; honesty and integrity; a sense of community rather than individualism – being one’s brother’s keeper, creating a sense of sanity in one’s little corner in the midst of endemic or pervasive corruption; walking tall without entertaining grasshopper complex, the spirit to say to oneself after the accomplishment of a great task that the best is yet to come; the ability to recreate one’s world, where one is thoroughly dissatisfied; utmost enthusiasm rather grumbling; time consciousness rather than getting hooked to the so-called African time; a high sense of moderation instead of unbridled ostentation and acquisitive tendency; a great sense for details and observation; a sense of service rather than pecuniary consideration; observance of the country’s laws, and maintaining order in order to keep the peace.

The Nigerian spirit is to be cultivated and practised.

June 6, 2001.

- JOHN ODEY ADUMA, author of the bestseller: “Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain” was formerly Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria, (1997-2000), National Coordinator, The Pastoral Resolve, (General Muhammadu Buhari’s Pastoralists NGO; and Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc, 2000-2003

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