Another talk shop, another gathering of political eunuchs
At a time like this, a very strong moral and divine voice is needed…and that Voice from the Excellent Glory doth asketh the Bishop of Rome the self-same question which He asketh Moses: “WHAT IS THAT IN THY HAND” (Exodus 4:2)?
Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Justin Welby. The matter at hand is beyond politicians, their talk shops and etcetera….not to speak out at a time like this is the worst form of betrayal and a most grievous sin against humanity.
(Sneezing in an unusual profusion):
Sorry for the break in transmission.
(Another round of profuse sneezing):
Sorry for the break in transmission.
(More sneezes that before):
Sorry for the break in transmission.
The UN has…the UN has…the UN
(Coughing very, very, very profusely):
So…so…sorry for the break in transmission.
The U-U-U-U-U-UN has said five thousand…has said, said…
One million Ukrainians have crossed the…
the…the bro…bro…ther… (border).
(Coughing very, very profusely):
So…so…sorry for the break in transmission.
The…the U-U-U-UN ha! Ha! Ha-ha—sss-has –
said five million Ukria- kra-kria–nians
Ha…ha-ha-ha fled to the ne—ne-bor-dung country!
(Coughing very, very profusely):
So…so…sorry for the break in transmission.
The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
The UN…UN..U.., hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
Ten million Ukrainians… The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va!
The UN hav-a-va-vah-vah-vah-va-va-va-va…refugees…re-re-re..fu..fu..
(Hiccuping in an unusual manner):
The UN has said…
The UN has said…
The UN ha-ha-ha..said over three thousand Ukrainians
have been killed since the war…be-be-ge your par-par…
don…don..don..don…sin…sin..since the…sion!
The UN has said…has, said…said
…it..will inve-ve-ve..tigate (investigate) the war..war..cry…crah..chra..
…whilst Putin goes pounding, bombing, and shelling,
World’s political eunuchs running helter-skelter
organising conferences and summits,
talking about political and sanction etcetera!
And warning the conquistador about consequences etcetera –
begging mad Vlad to stop his nuclear sable -rattling –
Cowardly describing it as an irresponsible and inhuman path to take…
And the Bishop of Rome has been sleeping and snoring.
Whist the Archbishop of Canterbury has retired to another planet!
And…and…world without leadership and moral voices…
Amen and Amen and Amen!
British Chevening Scholar
Written on the 15th of March 2022 between Broxbourne and Hertford East in Hertfordshire County, England, United Kingdom.
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