On The Edge

Who set our earth on fire

That it should warm uncontrollably,

Causing prolonged heat waves

Which sears our skins,

And provoking stormy gales,

Glacial melting

And runaway flooding?


Disaster is on the way flapping its wings

As death hurries down from the pit of hell

To wreak havoc of unprecedented proportions on earth.

Yea: the whole mankind is on the threshold of disaster!

The Greenland ice cap is melting at a speed

Much, much faster than all predictions

Causing intractable sea-rise

With the ice sheet draining the Greenland ice

And losing a great mass of ice very rapidly.

Flood, flood everywhere, and no Ark

To save humanity, flora and fauna from extinction.


Since 1827 when Flourier* first alerted the world

To the effects of atmospheric gases on climate

Till the very present,

Politicians have continued to pay lip service

To climate change even as carbon released into

The atmosphere from cars and industrial emissions

Continue to destroy the ozone layer and heat up the earth.


Wake up, leaders of the world!

Wake up to the Kyoto call,

Because Armageddon’s clock is ticking fast;

And you cannot sit on the fence in the face of

This burning heat and the imminent Great Floods;

For our planet sits on a hydrological edge.


Listen, peoples of the world, to do nothing is conspiracy,

And failure to do anything is an open invitation

To devastating catastrophe worse than the Permian period

And the waters in fury will flush many countries into the sea

And submerge many islands and coastal areas

And great hurricanes, worse and fiercer in speed

And in destruction than Larry, Tsunami, Katrina and Ivan

Will roam the world freely and wash all creatures,

Communities and islands into the ocean.


 From the POETRY OF JOHN ODEY ADUMA, August 1, 2006

*A French mathematician, Joseph Fourier first identified the effects of atmospheric gases on climate in 1827.


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