Every young person should as in every junction of a major road in world’s cities have or have installed in their own life’s junction, a traffic light system of Red, for warning; a get set or ready to go (approval) Amber of life and the “Go Light” of Green.

The importance of a traffic light system at a junction on a Trunk “A” highway in a city or at the Checkout Point of your local supermarket and all of every of your private life’s routes, paths, footpaths, river paths, roads, highways, parks, subways and alleys can be very much appreciated, if you could take an imaginative journey to a junction of a very busy highway such as A10 in a city, say London.

Imagine on arriving at this our imaginary junction of an A10 in our chosen city, London, there was no traffic light to direct traffic nor traffic wardens as in the case of Third World nations – the chaos, the honking and honking by motorists, anger, road rage, motorists driving bonnet to bonnet, bumper to bumper, the fight that might ensue; the banging on cars, trucks by one motorist after another; the eventual loss of man hours; the constant sighing and hissings; the arguments and quarrels – that junction might be turned into a wrestling or boxing ring/arena as no police or traffic wardens are present.

And the loss in economic term that very time - hour and day will sure be incalculable!

People will get late to work; many job and contract interviews will be missed; many more will arrive late to other types of interview; hospital appointments will be missed; and the sounds of sirens from ambulances carrying the sick on an emergency conditions will be deafening.

What is more, many might die inside the ambulances, and women in labour might give birth to children inside the ambulances on the high way, social appointments/engagements, too many, will be missed, etc, etc.

Whilst you do me the favour of reflecting still on the high level of the ensued fracas and chaos at this our imaginary junction, I’d give you another imaginary invite, this time, to your local supermarket:

And whilst there, again, kindly do me the favour of walking straight to the Self-service checkouts.

Here, look up at the traffic light system (TLS), all things being equal, and all things normal, all lights are likely to be in functioning green - signifying normal; amber, for approval and red, for danger (there is a problem here), meant to warn of danger or simply that something is not right or has gone wrong or sometimes, about a product or an item that needs approval before purchase – age confirmation, product approval, e.g., tobacco, although most of the time, sold behind the kiosk, especially in little stores; alcohol - beer, wine and spirit (BWS) and fizzy drinks, etc.


In the context under discussion, see yourself as a mentee/learner in the school of life, whilst your private RAG (red, amber and green) should be taken as your guardian angels, parents, foster parents, guideposts, mentors, counsellors, elders in your family such as grandparents, uncles, aunties, advisors, teachers, pastors, imams and as life’s checks and balances.

But more so, as warnings, approval needed sort of life and actual and an unhindered approval – the Go Command of life, better still, a sorta get up and go!

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