Many athletes, but one winner…so run to win!

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize”, 1Corinthians 9:24.

Whilst watching the just concluded international marathon held in London, indisputably one of the world’s greatest cities, I mused about the indomitable spirit of man, the push on pushing on spirit or the keep on keeping on spirit of man, and I wondered within myself who would have thought that after the global Covid lock down all the world would in just three years’ time gather together again in one of its greatest cities to participate in such a noble sport?

Apart from the unparalleled focus of the marathoners, and their dogged determination to reach the finished line, despite being tired and gasping for breath, with sweats cascading down their bodies like the waterfalls, they all displayed an unparalleled level of enthusiasm and excitement, in addition to maintaining a very high spirit.

In that state of high-level concentration and determination, coupled with their conspicuous high spirit, nothing in all the world seemed mattered to them but their determination to reach the finished line.

Besides the winning spirits, something very important held up their interest to enable them keep pressing on toward the finished line. And this is the fact that they were all not running aimlessly without a purpose. Virtually all of them were propelled or motivated by one worthy cause or another.

According to their personal testimonies when interviewed by journalists, most of them said they were running or in the race to raise money to support a charity of their choice such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer UK, Alzheimer Society, children charities, etc, whilst others said they were running for their loved ones now dead, others for justice’s sake and many others running just to keep fit or for the fun of it or merely to participate in the yearly ritual!

It is on this note that I’d like to ask you about your life’s marathon: why are you running, and will you; and what will make you to maintain such a high spirit and a high level of interest like those of the London marathoners to enable you reach the finished line?

And in the face of all of life’s commonplace challenges, trials and general vicissitudes, will you press on toward the finished line, not just the finished line of an organised sporting event like the London marathon, but life’s finished line?

Still, in the great game of life, will you like the man of Tarsus say: “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 3:14?




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