You are on a half-term holiday but behave, behave, b-e-h-a-v-e!

Part 3

Some of you are in the habit of removing products from their shelves and throwing them under the shelves. But don’t forget, times are hard, and in this post-Brexit era, when supplies are not keeping pace with demands, some shoppers could no doubt be looking for the products that you are throwing under the shelves for just no reason whatsoever, other than just to please your friends, who would merely giggle at such silliness!
Also, don’t forget that the pallets on which you stand and your friends pushing you around the shop floor is being looked for by shop workers who want to use them to convey stocks from the stockroom/warehouse to the shopfloor for subsequent shelving for their customers to buy.
But unknown to you and your friends, these types of behavior portray all of you very badly, including the homes where from you come, and even your schools!
Of course, when you don’t plan your lives, not only idleness will take over, but idiocy, un-seriousness accompanied by bad behavior.
You will agree with me that holiday times and weekends are not tantamount to wandering times, so you and your friends can move about aimlessly, disturbing the public, your local shop workers, bus drivers and other citizens going to work or to other places of importance to them.
Think! Think! And be considerate.
You must always comport yourself as an ambassador and a mirror of your home because you are undoubtedly the mirror by which your home reflects whenever you are out and about – and this includes when you are in school too.
And need I add that if you comport yourself as a manner-less person in public places, some people are likely to misjudge you and give you the opprobrious label of a child with zero parenting or a child without a proper home training.
You must therefore, behave, be a good child and a good citizen.
What is more, every holiday and weekend offer you an opportunity to help Mum and Dad at home, including reading good books, attending to your home learning, visiting places of enrichment like the libraries, the parks. museums; engage in debates, quizzes, paintings, sporting activities, going on holiday camping with adults being with you, and ensuring the camping sites/environments are safeguarding and health and safety compliant!



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