You are on a half-term holiday but behave, behave, b-e-h-a-v-e!


Holiday is coming!
Holiday is coming!
No more clanging bells
No more teachers' whip!
Goodbye teachers, goodbye scholars
We are going on a jolly holiday!

Girls: A jolly -
All: Holiday!
Girls: A jolly -
All: Holiday!


A popular nursery rhyme (Author unknown).

Undoubtedly, you are already basking in the effulgent glory of the summer and enjoying your half-term holiday.

No more line ups; no more checks; no more detentions; no more internal exclusions, otherwise shortened to IEX; no more “Do Now”; no more home learning; no more transitions with teachers screaming at you and asking you to be quiet; no more teachers asking you to talk in whispers if you need anything from your peers; no more reflection in the Reflection Room nor meditation - but need I remind you that reflection is life, and life is reflection just as meditation is; no more cold calling questions thrown at you by your teachers for answers - a method of checking learning which you dread the most; no more showing your planner if you want to go and use the convenience room; no more reviews; no more assembly; and perhaps, no more doing Maths, a subject you dread so much, but which indeed, is the simplest of all subjects and can be very enjoyable, especially when you have it delivered by a great Maths teacher who is also a great communicator, who consciously in all his Maths lessons, will aim to demystify it rather than mystify it to scare you and your peers away, so he feels as a Caesar or a conquistador in charge just to boost his fragile ego!

*To be continued.


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