Francis, the political Pope

Welby, the political Archbishop

In the Age of Francis and Welby,
Long years of peace taken for granted,
plunged Europe into a war before their very eyes
Because of the cobweb-filled altars
And dusty holy books in their Cathedrals of Etcetera.

In the Age of Francis and Welby,
all the nations kicked God out
of their hearts and national agenda
And binned Him in their national junkyards
And all the world regressed to the State of Nature.

In the Age of Francis and Welby,
the world at daggers drawn,
Liberty snatched and love and compassion
intractably took a flight to the Darkest Blackness
When hope was murdered, and dreams shattered;
Life miserable and laughter in flight
And wars took over!

In the Age of Francis and Welby,
Famine took over our world
And some resort to flesh and body parts trade -
And selling their children to fence off famine,
Whilst others eat grass to survive.

In the Age of Francis and Welby,
Violence everywhere,
Youth violence,
Gun violence,
Stabbings, maiming, destructions, killings,
Youth preying on youth as beasts in a jungle -
Black on Black;
White on Black;
Black on White
Brown on Brown;
White, Black on Brown
White, Brown on Black
Brown on Black and White;
Men on Men
Men on women
Women on men
Women on women
Straights on LGBQ+

LGBQQIA+ on Straights
Lone wolves prowling about world cities
For whom to attack.
Cells, cells everywhere,
All over West!
But security have gone AWOL!
And terror, tyrants, and dictators
 over our world taken -
A world recreated by lords and masters.
The 21st century is the Millennium,
the two watchmen of the vineyard
Went a sleeping and not a fishing, snoring loudly,
Whilst wolves in sheep clothing raided the vineyard
Stealing the sheep, with some scattering
All over the mountaintops, hills, and valleys
And all the world forced to Gethsemane,
And then to Golgotha, and then to limbo
Awaiting His Second Coming.
The shame of the Age of Francis and Welby,
The political Pope and the political Archbishop!
-    APRIL 21, 2022.

-    JOHN ODEY ADUMA, British Chevening Scholar, publisher of Vigilance – The World’s Leading Security Magazine, Scorpion News Corp, and author of the bestseller: “Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain” was formerly Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria, (1997-2000), National Coordinator, The Pastoral Resolve, (General Muhammadu Buhari’s Pastoralists NGO; and Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc, 2000-2003.

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