Africa: Origin of all civilizations and home of mankind
You are not here to join bad company like belonging to a gang in order to plan and do evil, going about stabbing, shooting and killing people; you are not here as a loafer or to be on the dole perpetually, although I am not unmindful of the fact that this type of situation is due to changes in people’s circumstances, for you come of a hardworking race who love and cherish work, both individual and collective enterprise; you are not here to be defeated and conquered by the British system, but to rise above it, no matter how discriminatory it is.
You are not here to wander aimlessly like a sheep in a sultry afternoon; you are not here to break the laws of Britain at will and at your pleasure, constantly finding yourself at the police stations and be reporting to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) of your Borough; but you are here to help the police enforce the laws of the land by not indulging in crimes and by giving up crimes if you are already involved in any; you are not here as a social deviant, a miscreant and a scum of the earth; you are not here to cringe before anyone, for you are a royal ambassador, a king and a queen with a crown on your head, nor are you here to sit daily at the Beautiful Gate of the House of Britain, asking for alms and waiting to be given crumbs!
Now therefore, *“know yourself”, seek God and live.
Get education or acquire vocational or life’s skills, seek information, go into investment, occupy your mind always with serious things, and be a good citizen of Britain or of your host country and invest your time wisely.
Finally, make the most of opportunities that abound in Britain.
*One of the many Ancient Egyptian (African) injunctions engraved on the walls of the entrances leading to the Mystery Temples as an advice to the neophytes. Please refer to George G.M. James’ book: “Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy Is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy, (1954:3, 88 and 92).
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