Teaching history is an opportunity to tell y/our story!

Every human on the planet earth – dark, pink or brown has their roots, wherefrom they originally came, lived and had their being fulfilled. Thus, it is therefore not preposterous to say every person has their history – better still every human being is a historical animal.

And it therefore, stands to reason that whoever does not have history does not exist. And if you have history and bin it or despise it or are not proud of it or are made by some other people to hate your history, you are sick and not fit to live.

Thus, the reason/s why you vacillate, oscillate like a pendulum of a clock or are easily angered, not sure of yourself or of who you are as a person or in the slightest provocation would always like to engage the services of your hands and weapons of violence could be attributed to this self-denial of yours, eventuating in low self-worth or low self-appreciation or low self-acknowledgement, devoid of inward love. And if you lack that divine inward or God-ward love, how then can you “love your neighbour as yourself”? (Mark 12:31).

Worse still, if you have history and you fail to teach it to your children, generation now and the next generation, you are worse than sin and simply a sub-human being not fit to live in human community.

Worst yet, if you have history and do not pass it onto the future generations, you are on your way to extinction.

Therefore, a nation that does not teach its citizenry its history simply does not have any history, and if not teaching it, is for the purpose of concealment, be it historical, political, cultural, anthropological, sociological, psychological, philosophical, and religious, it is the foolishest thing to do, for only fools conceal their history.

What is more, it is only a nation without a sound mind and a sound body that will shut off its history from all of its citizens, especially the younger generation, and such a nation is already dead.

And more importantly, the need to teach history in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-racial society is much more sine qua non. Therefore, be proud of your roots, your history, and if you deny your roots, you have denied your source and origin, and if you do not have a source or roots, you are a mere vacillator, trapped between the earth and the sky, yet belong to neither.


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