“He will have to learn, I know,
That all men are not just,
All men are not true.
But teach him also that
For every scoundrel there is a hero;
That for every selfish Politician,
There is a dedicated leader…
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,”
– Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his son’s teacher (Stanza 1).
Dear Child,
You must bear in mind always that it is a fact of life that everyone will someday, sometime, and at some point and stage in their life succeed or fail in a venture/task/ assignment/exams, especially your GCSE; and at some other time; fail in one venture or another; in one exam or another; in one task or another; in one assignment or another, even relationship between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend at some point or stage in their lives could pack or break up!
Thus, a child’s first misstep or actual when learning (how) to walk does not scare them from keeping on trying, again and again, to walk in order to master their steps, nor does it kill the sprinter in them, rather it is a propellant that calls for more practices on the part of the child, emboldening and imbuing them with the spirit of boldness and confidence that stirs up their kinaesthetic energy which like adrenaline provokes or sparks off unprecedented thirst for more walk practices and launches them on the path of mastering and the perfection of their walks, and develops in them the right muscles and brings out that sprinter in them in later years. But whenever and wherever this happens or occurs – (whenever you fail or are disappointed), do not be disappointed yourself – after all, every disappointment is a blessing. And failure does not only teach success, but it is also success turned inside outside.
So, at whatever time and whenever you fail, or things or affairs or events of life do not turn out as planned, suicide must not be an option nor must you ever entertain suicide thoughts, thinking of killing yourself or another person just because you have experienced such a temporary defeat/setback!
Always remember: YOU MUST NOT KILL, MUST NOT EVER TAKE ANOTHER LIFE OR YOURS! What is more, tomorrow is another day, and there are many fishes in the ocean.
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